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Sanctuary for Spirit is nestled in a magical forest deep within Dinè, Comanche, Ute, and Jicarilla Apache lands; in a scared grove within the Caddo, Kichai, Kickapoo, Witchita, and Jumano lands; and a digital space near you. 

Our mission here is to help preserve the cross-cultural animist traditions.

Sanctuary for Spirit is a sacred digital space for intentional remembrance.
Remembrance of handcrafted ancestral medicine and magical practices.

A folk temple focused on nurturing a handcrafted spiritual practice.

A space for magical folk to explore and honor the spirits.


A place to nourish your relationship with the spirits of our world and beyond. 

A reconnection to self and others through ritual and ceremony.

An opportunity to coexist and create balance with the spirits.

The Great Creator Spirit. 


Ancestral spirits.


Our inner spirit.


Animal spirits. 


Plant spirits. 


Land spirits.


Cosmic spirits.


Allie spirits. 


I'm Sierra Joleen-------founder of Sanctuary for Spirit.

I'm grateful you've found a portal to our Sanctuary.


Thank you for being here.

“My ‘give a shit was broken’. This came on gradually by way of self-inflected choices and other life altering experiences. I wasn't okay with it but I functioned okay when necessary. Although, I realized I was not functioning optimally. Something had to change but I didn't know what. Then comes Rev. sierra. Whatever the condition or circumstance that brought me to Sierra, I am forever grateful for the assistance into soul work, learning to let-go, reset and grow. How much longer would I have remained in the "want of change" had I not learned to harness aspects of my own (lost) energy back into action!? I began re-learning who I really am. Getting to know the things that hindered my happy. Finding difficulties as fuel to re-optimize again. This opened up space in my very being for new life force to better support my health and healing of my body, mind, and spirit. I will never be the same! I wish the guidance of Rev. Sierra upon everyone! It’s for the highest good.”

Cynthia, Oklahoma
Folk Anecdotes
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